Fitness and health doesn’t involve just your training, You should also take a thorough look at other aspects which are equally important to achieve your desired results. Some of the things that play a vital role in your health and fitness are nutrition, physical wellbeing, your mental and psychological health.
Some tips to boost your overall health and fitness
Make a timetable for all your daily, weekly or monthly workout programmes.
This will enable you to keep a track for all your daily workouts and progress check. It will also make you responsible and accountable to strictly follow your scheduled programme guide to be able to achieve your desired results.
Keeping Hydrated.
An average adult drinks 1.5 to 2 litres of water each day. This is on your non workout days. Depending on your workout sessions you may need to drink more to compensate for the excess water loss. Water is a very important nutrient for your body and its daily function. Always carry a water bottle with you wherever you go.
Make time for yourself and unwind
Unwinding simply means letting go the things you are holding too tight, things like your daily chores, responsibilities and other everyday worries of life. This session should be about your self-nourishment and reflecting on your inner being or connecting to the universe and nature. Perhaps reading a book to increase your knowledge on improving your self-awareness. Meditation or just simply laying and gazing at the sky. This is your quality time to self. Spend 15 to 20 minutes each day every day until it becomes an unconscious habit. Your energy will increase many folds and you will be more productive and happy willing to help yourself and others around you.

Consume 5- 6 serves of greens, fruits and nuts each day
Power pack food such as greens, fruits and nuts have lots of nutrition for your health benefit. Lots of antioxidants and vitamins will enable you to maintain a healthy and energetic lifestyle. Consume fruits low in sugar and healthy nuts to increase good fats.

Be grateful for who you are and appreciate life fully.
Being content and satisfied in life will bring your mental chaos to a stop. Have a habit of thinking in abundance rather than a having scarcity mentality only than the universe will yield that which you seek in abundance. Thank the universe and people around you who have crossed your path for everything has allowed you to learn and grow. There is a purpose for everything that happens in your life and people you meet. Being content means you can have a peaceful life avoiding inner quarrel. You will sleep better, feel better and will be more productive.