Thought,action,results ”
Whether your goal is to shed a few pounds, gain an extra 10kgs of muscle, or you want to feel alive, invigorated, and full of positive energy…
That’s very realistic and achievable with what I’m about to share with you
You see, transforming your body doesn’t need to be hard
As a matter of fact, once you understand how your body works, whipping your body into shape is a fun and natural process
Here’s a few quick
1) Know your body: Measure yourself today. This includes your weight, waistline, arms, legs, body fat levels etc. This is so you know what your body composition is, and so you can measure your results as you progress forward
2) Visualize: See your ideal body now, ahead of time. Pictures are the language of the mind. When you visualize the body that you want, you create an internal harmony that helps manifest what you envision. All top athletes visualize, and so should you
3) Create Habits: Habits are like assets that pay you dividends for life. By creating proper training and eating habits, you’re setting yourself up for success, because they become a part of your everyday life
4) Train right / Eat well: Training doesn’t always have to be a back breaker. But training using the correct principles and recovery methods will do wonders for your body. Similarly, eating small, regular, well-balanced meals are the key to positive results
5) Commitment: Staying committed is the essence of success. Plan your training and eating goals in a 12 week structure, and commit to that structure. The body loves consistency, and will reward you for it. You’ll be amazed at what happens when just you ‘stick to it’
In my next blog, we’ll cover “What it really takes to transform your body”
Keep an eye out for it.
Til then, set the new standard for yourself.
Be Inspired.