Ever wondered if you put on a sports apparel and you feel you can become a better, stronger version of YOU…a better runner, stronger yoga poses, lift more weight…
When I first put on these shorts, I hesitated. I’m a mother of 2 kids. Shouldn’t I be wearing something more “respectful”? All these thoughts raced my mind…but I was getting excited as I put these shorts. After much battling in my mind, I finally got into the shorts and checked myself in the mirror. The fabric was soft, yet firm giving the hold and support I was looking for. I could feel the skintight fabric transforming and shaping my hips. I stood up and marvelled at how sleek and aerodynamic I looked. I took my kick boxing position, one single step and my muscles seemed to be so focussed on the work that I was planning to do. This was the highlight point for me and I knew these shorts and I would go a long way. I finally found my match…and I felt so young.
Isn’t that what cloths are supposed to do, make you feel good about yourself?
The next day I went to the gym, feeling confident, head high. I started my HIIT training. As I was doing a mix of different intense workout, the shorts did not affect their power during the actual jumps or push ups. However, the shorts did register more stability during the series of jumps, hence allowing me strength for longer periods.
The sports shorts had a firm hold on my muscles, putting them in place as I was going through more running, jumping, squatting etc. I could feel less “jiggle”, hence I could recruit with more ease and my performance was much better and productive. I could feel as I was working out, I felt I could push myself even further. Oxygen is a fuel source for our muscles, and these shorts were certainly aiming for that. The better and more efficient oxygen usage is, the longer you will last. This mainly applies to cardio, HIIT workouts as body will use oxygen as its main source of energy.
I even felt the recovery was faster and not sore either. It made lots of sense wearing these shorts. Not only did it help with my training but they also made me feel so good about myself. Feeling young, liberated…something from a simple pair of shorts. It made sense though. And they are quiet fashionable and come in beautiful colours and the price is very affordable.
Zura has definitely given me a reason to put a tick for these women’s sports shorts. It’s all about right clothing in right styles and colours, the remaining key to fashion success. Wearing items and fashion pieces will draw people attention to the area of your body and love the most while also keeping gaze from going to the ares that you are not happy about.
The key with shopping for fitness cloths is to make sure they are fun, yet functional as it does you absolutely no good if you wearing a super cute exercise outfit if you can’t workout in it. it defeats the purpise and you’ll wind up never wearing it…but I found my style in these shorts.
Finally I can head to gym with style and confidence and give 110% into my training.