Wardrobe Essentials
What are your goals for 2016? Have you worked on your New Year Resolutions or whatever you may want to call it? Is it that this year you want to work more on your health and fitness goals, grow your business, travel more, be more spiritual, work on your relationship or make more money? Regardless of what it is make it measurable, tick off completed task and celebrate every small achievement along the way. Make a constant reminder that you are and will be the caption of your ship and only you will be accountable for everything you will do.
How about it’s all done in style. Let me make a list of great points to kick-start your 2016 goals;
1) Take the first step. Every journey begins with a single step. Take those baby steps because every step is moving towards something bigger.
2) Be bold. Never say sky is the limit because then you have limited yourself. In fact there is no limit to anything. The source and universe will open for you only when you are ready to receive.
3) Be brave. No matter what the conditions are, you have to constantly take action, and that goes for every facet in your life.
4) Don’t Stop. Usually the start is the hardest. The secret mantra is – Be a ZURA (Zest Uber Rocking Athlete). Have abundance of energy, Believe you are the best, Rock your world and be a real player.
5) Commitment. Be accountable for every action step no matter how big or small it may be.
6) Take action. Thoughts and dreams are of no real value until it has been actioned. Remember the best of the best ideas are buried in the graveyard because people did not take action. If you are sitting, you are being left behind. Take massive action.
7) Progress. Each step forward means you are evolving or growing. Not growing is a sign of slowly dying. One step closer to reaching your goals.
8) Be selfish. You are doing this for yourself. Learn to love and appreciate yourself. Don’t be serious just have fun with whatever you doing and try new things.
9) Test yourself. You wouldn’t know your limits unless you have pushed yourself. Limits are set in the mind. Raise your bar, believe you can and the more you will be able to execute.
10) Predict. That’s right, the actions you take today becomes your future. Do you see yourself different from yesterday? If yes, then keep creating your present and future will just unfold for you.
11) Hustle. No one has reached greatness by accident. Give your soul, intellect, mind and heart to everything you do no matter how big or small. Keep hustling and have a sheer obsession and crave for what you do each day.
12) Think Outside the box- Constantly innovate and seek new ways to look at solving problems. Don’t be too sceptical but be open to new ideas and knowledge. It was Henry Ford who believed that if he asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.
13) Be Generous. Along the journey and the pursuit for success, be humble and help people achieve what they want. Only through giving and sharing you will not only be joyful and happy but you will also get in abundance without doubt.
These are the wardrobe essentials for 2016. Live life breathe live and be a Zura. Join the Zura tribe.